COSTA QDA is specially designed for analyzing and synthesizing literature and large volumes of text-based data, using both apriori and posteriori conventions, leading to high-level evidence. It is highly recommended for those involved in literature-based research, or those dealing with Big Qualitative Data.

What it is?
COSTA QDA technique offers a flexible yet rigorous approach to analysis of large qualitative data, such as review of literature and evidence synthesis. The technique is now accessible to teams of researchers across different geographic locations through a cloud-based intuitive application that enhances multiple collaboration activities between researchers and analysts. The added advantage of this technique is ability to demonstrate rigorous and reproducible approach to data analysis and synthesis.
How it Works?
Built within the C.O.S.T.A. Research Model, (located on Stage 4 – Tact), this is an analytic technique that provides a robust and replicable approach to support and legitimize researcher findings and conclusions. It is easy to learn and saves time. Following a clear 6-step approach, researchers are able to generate visualisations and insights with clarity on precision of accounts and the magnitude of prevailing aspects regarding the phenomena being investigated.
The COSTA QDA further recognises the importance of the use of numbers for the purpose of understanding the phenomenon of interest. This purpose is fulfilled through the implementation of Inter-Coder Reliability (ICR), using the Cohen’s Kappa statistics.
COSTA QDA takes the practice of data analysis further by ensuring that there is more confidence in the results presented. It does this by recognizing the importance of the use of numbers and frequencies, counting occurrences of significant statements during the inductive coding process. This is done through the establishment of Inter-Coder Reliability (ICR), which can be determined by a variety of statistical methods. The Cohen’s Kappa statistic is the most popular in Social, Economic and Health Sciences, and is the one used in the COSTA QDA. Please download the attached tool and start using ICR statistics in your research.
Who is COSTA QDA for?
This application is targeted to a diverse group of people within the research and knowledge economic landscape. These are:
- Postgraduate Research Students
- Postgraduate Research Supervisors, Coaches and Mentors
- Qualitative and Mixed Methods Data Analysists
- Business Researchers
- Market Research Professionals
- Economists and
- Leaders and Managers
Data Tools
Analysis Areas
Presentation of Findings

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